
Increase Testosterone Naturally

It’s always the best to increase testosterone naturally because it doesn’t create any side effects. Testosterone is the hormone that makes men, men. It is a widely understood concept that increasing testosterone increases muscle mass, well, it's true but only to a certain extent. People who have low testosterone tends to gain more muscle mass, libido (sex drive) and better cognitive function when their testosterone gets increased, but people who have normal testosterone shows no significant change in muscle growth. Only people with 20% to 30% more testosterone level than normal showed muscle growth. Even steroids, which are commonly used by bodybuilders by taking in their veins for increasing their testosterone level didn’t show many results, it has been just 7 kg (15.5 pounds) over 6 weeks of weightlifting while on steroids and it has awesomely bad side effects. Studies also suggest that even when your testosterone level falls to a dramatic level, it still doesn’t affect muscle mass at all.

Saying all these testosterone do have its part in reducing body weight, that’s right for weight loss. It has been observed that when testosterone level is high people tends to have less fat and have a lean body while with low testosterone people seems to gain weight remarkably. The exact reason is still not understood by the scientists, but doing exercises that increase your testosterone level will help you burn fat and reduce weight much faster and it is a great aid for bodybuilders.

The best exercise is squatting, as the testosterone is secreted from the testicle so by doing squats you increase your testosterone and thus contribute in gaining muscle mass all over the body, yes, that's right by doing the squat you actually increase the muscle mass on your chest, biceps, triceps and everywhere.

It is also observed that lifting weight to your maximum capacity increases the testosterone level to its max. Which means if you do 1 rep with maximum weight that you can lift, then you can get a massive testosterone level boost.

So, here's how you can do it.

  • Put on Maximum weight and do 1 rep.
  • Reduce it to the extent where you can think you can do 2 reps and do it.
  • Reduce it further and do 3 reps.
  • Reduce it do 4 reps.
  • Then 5 reps.

Do it till you reach 10 reps and feel the boost of testosterone and pump. This is a highly effective technique.

People with more testosterone level are found to be more straightforward, active, regular, more alert and hits hard at the gym. Testosterone can also be increased by taking certain foods. Hate veggies start loving it today.

Here is the list of veggies that can increase your testosterone.
  • Broccoli
  • Kohlrabi 
  • Mustard Greens 
  • Cauliflower 
  • Turnips 
  • Radishes 
  • Brussels 
  • Sprouts
  • Bok Choy
  • Rutabaga
  • Cabbage 
  • Collard Greens 
  • Turnip Greens

Why veggies well because veggies contain good fats which are highly necessary for increasing your testosterone. Well, you avoid fats then don’t because good faith doesn’t build fat around your waistline instead they are used as body fuel, whereas monounsaturated fat, which is not all required for your body creates fat around your waistline. Eat a considerable amount of good fats and get its benefits.

These are some of the ways to increase testosterone naturally.

Top 5 Best Diet For Pre And Post Workout

Pre workout

1. Chicken and potatoes

 Take 2-4 ounces of sliced chicken with an equal portion size of sweet potatoes

2.Energy Bar

Try out Energy Bars with more natural ingredients, while taking adequate protein is your goal try to keep the sugar content in check.
3. Fruit with Cottage Cheese
Try ½ cup cottage cheese with ½ cup fresh pineapple, berries, or a melon. Source of low fat high protein.

4. Veggie omelet

Add a little more color to your diet by combining 2 whole eggs shaken with 1 teaspoon of water cooked with 1 cup sautéed seasonal veggies.

5. Sports drink

8-ounce of low sugar sports drink use less sugar(below 10 grams) .For extra boost add only a scoop of BCAA powder- Branch Chain amino acids that help maintain muscle and tissue health.  .

Post Workout

1.Egg scramble

Take 2-3 whole eggs with chopped onion, spinach, and bell peppers.

2. Banana Milk

Take one sliced banana with 1 cup low fat milk.

3. Protein bar

Take protein bar with less sugar content. Look for bar with 10-30 grams of protein and less than 10 grams of sugar. That it for getting your job done.

4. Milk and cereal

 Take 1 cup of low-fat milk with 1 cup of whole-grain cereal.

5. Chocolate milk

One to two cups of low-fat chocolate milk.

Workout Plans For Men: The Ultimate Chest Workout For Bigger Chest

There are whole lot of articles on how to create a big chest because chest building exercises are considered one of the favorite exercises among bodybuilders, building your chest not only adds extra inch to your personality but it is also considered vital for the macho look. Imagine having big biceps and triceps without having an attractive masculine Exercises below will allow you to develop your chest superfast as because these are precise shortcut techniques that will give you muscle mass, pump and a super attractive macho chest. These techniques are tested and it guarantee's result. You can completely rely upon this techniques provided you follow it properly. These are the complete workout plans for men.

If you want to make the body of your dreams then you need to focus on your goals and concentrate and visualize that how will you look when you have that body and always keep that in mind and do your workouts. This secret is the secret of champion bodybuilders. So, here is the list of workout plans for men.

Make this your workout plan for Super Big Chest. 

Incline presses - 6-8*8-12 reps
flat bench barbell presses- 6*8-10 reps
Flat dumbell flyers- 6* 8-10 reps
Cross bench dumbell pullovers (optional)- 5*10-12 reps
Cable crossover- 5* 12-15 reps 
Superset Series

 Doing it 3 times a week is more than enough, so here is the list

Bench press warmup - 1* 30


Bench press- 5*6-20
Wide grip chins behind neck- 5* 8-15 reps


Incline barbell press- 5*10-15
Wide grip barbell rows- 5* 10-15


Parallel- bar dips- 5*15
close grip chins- 5*12
stiff arm pullover- 5*15-20

*There is no rest between sets and exercises of the four supersets

If you can't follow this regime then don't get discouraged instead start with small maybe instead of 12 reps you do 5 reps and so on, then gradually increase it to this level and very soon you will have your perfectly balanced chest that you always wanted and for which you have struggled so long will be created right infront of your eyes by your efforts.

Key Principle For Getting Success In Bodybuilding And Creating Your Super Big Chest:

1. Focus
2. Discipline
3. Dedication
4. Determination
5. Positive Thinking And Confidence
6. Be Prepared For Intense Workout

The above mentioned principle is easy to spell than done but Bodybuilding helps in developing all the above mentioned principles and helps you to get success in any fields.