
                                                     Lower Ab Workout

Your training is king, your diet is queen. Put them together and you've got a kingdom of your dreams...

The lower abdominal muscles are the finishing pieces you need for a six-pack. They are the lowest muscles so therefore, the muscle that more likely to covered in a layer of remember doing lower core exercises will only pay of if you have a flat stomach with a lower body fat percentage. The lowest core ab muscles are the hardest to polish but here are some workouts that will help you target and train those lower core muscles:

 Vertical Leg Raises

The vertical leg raise can only be preformed when arms are resting on an arm-rest which leaves your body hanging. you need to raise your legs from a vertical position to a horizontal position, it will be more effective if your knees are not bent. a rep of 20 is recommended.

   Horizontal Leg Raise

The horizontal leg raise is very similar to the vertical leg raise. The only difference is it does not need an arm rest to preform it as  it can be preformed by lying on the floor. the principle is the same and you will need to raise you leg making sure you do not bend your knee. A rep of 20 is recommended.
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